Hunger Free Movement Foundation was founded with a simple goal in mind: No more hungry children in India. No more deaths caused by starvation, no more of irreversible damage to mental or physical health due to lack of food and water. No more denying our children their basic human right to be free from hunger.
Around 25% of India’s children under five years old suffer from acute malnutrition-that is 8 million children. Under nutrition kills around 1 million of those children each year and is the reason behind 50% of all child deaths in India. In such a scenario, the Hunger Free Movement Foundation comes forth with a dedication to fight against malnutrition, and more specifically to the prevention, detection and treatment of acute malnutrition in children under five.
read moreOur aim to No more hungry children in India. No more deaths caused by starvation, no more of irreversible damage to mental or physical health due to lack of food and water.
donate nowStatistics show that India has more people suffering from chronic hunger than any other country. Over 300 million of its citizens reportedly go to bed without food every night, representing over a third of the estimated one billion hungry people across the world. One-third of the world's malnourished children.. read more
Hunger Free Movement Foundation is planning to work in close collaboration with nearest local health facilities forroutine diagnosis and treatments. Our healthcare initiatives aim to increase demand for and improve accessibility, availability and affordability of essential healthcare services. We believe that a healthy.. read more
India has the largest number of illiterate people in the world - around 268 million, a staggering 35% who cannot read or write. Less than half of India's children between the age of 6 and 14 go to school. One in every four girls in rural India drops out of school before reaching the eighth standard.. read more